I want to reveal my thoughts in this article on the topic of whether a person needs the truth.
Quite often I hear from the people with whom I communicate, a certain "truth" that sounds from their lips as if it were so in reality. Moreover, I drew attention to the fact that the more such a person presents what he is talking about as the truth, the lower the level of thinking he has.
A person may or may not accept certain general statements that exist and are rooted in society. But especially "gifted" ones assert themselves in their position and convince others of its truth, justifying this by the fact that the mass nature of such a position is allegedly the justification and the only measure of its truthfulness.
On the example of the reaction of some commentators to my articles from the series about Petersburg, I saw that there are many people who read the article as if in order to establish themselves in their idea that the word Petersburg should be pronounced only in a positive context and not in no other, because any criticism of this city affects their own idea of ββββit.
Although, I do not write about this city as someone's idea, but solely from my own point of view and perception. My position is not intended to offend anyone, but only reflects my vision. But people who are guided by a collective instinct, instinctively react to everything that contradicts this collective perception.
Naturally, a person who refers to the mass character is guided by fear, but not by common sense. After all, it is much easier to bark like a pug and send the "opponent" to hell, without accepting any justifications from his side and without substantiating his position. But such a person does not have his own position - he only has the fear of being different from everyone else, and through this fear he identifies himself in the crowd.
His views, in their purest form, are not views, because again they are caused by fear. Such people are always a kind of bearer of "truth" simply because they believe in it, and do not try to comprehend it on their own. It turns out that such a person can only think in terms of "white and black". For him, there are no causal relationships, under the influence of which the nature of certain processes changes.
In fact, a person does not need the truth
In fact, a person does not need the truth, because it is destructive for him due to the fact that it brings down his own - a simplified picture of the world. And that is why a person prefers to indulge in self-deception, seeing in the statements of those whom he considers "authorities" only because he sees in them some kind of personified force, the image of which is created by propaganda.