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Question about the meaninglessness of life here!

meaninglessness of life

A question about the meaninglessness of life and the meaning of life.

Herself the specificity of this question itself suggests that life already has a meaning, and a person, apparently, is trying to rationally formulate this meaning for himself. But, asking such a question, it would be quite fair to ask a counter question - why does he ask such a question if he is already living? From the point of view of the questioner, apparently, the meaning of life is something separate from life itself, and it can be rationally explained somehow.

Although, as I see it, a rational explanation of life, rather, would testify to some kind of error, even a logical one, because, again, a person is already living, and he did not initiate the process of his own life. Or he can assume under the meaning of life the presence of meaningfulness of life in the presence of activity, the meaningfulness of which is reinforced from the outside. Therefore, the question about the meaning of life is too general, and the fact that a person is involved with his multi-level sensory system in this life makes such a question absurd.

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After all, it is from the position of human perception that one must approach the understanding of why a person asks a question about the meaning of life. After all, when everything suits him from the point of view of his sensory system, then there is no meaning to life. When the human fetus is in the mother's stomach, it is unlikely that he is concerned about the meaning of life, since at this moment, physiologically, he is part of his mother, and receives all the nutrients from her, regardless of how he feels about it. . Here I reflected on the question of what is the meaning of life in more detail.


Having separated from the mother, it grows separately and interacts directly with the environment. Growing up and gaining the ability to reason, he asks questions about the meaning of life when something does not suit him from the point of view of his sensory system. Considering that a person already exists, regardless of how he feels about it, and he did not initiate his own existence, the question of the meaning of life sounds at least ridiculous.

Analogy with the invention of the automobile.

When a person, for example, invents and designs a car, he is its creator. That is, he is obviously familiar with the device of this car, before it leaves the assembly line, being launched into mass production. In the case of the question about the meaning of life, a person is likened to this car, which wants to know what the hell it is doing here, performing the function of driving back and forth?

About Freedom

The car cannot know why it is needed, because it has a creator in the form of an inventor and designer, and it was created to perform the function of moving faster in space. The car itself did not initiate its own existence, but was created by people. Man, on the other hand, has what he himself calls the mind, with which he interprets the data he receives through his sensory system. This system encourages him to act through instincts.

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